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Manual Update Instructions

Reflash to Skip Versions

If you're skipping versions (e.g., updating from 3.9.1 to 3.11.0) we recommend reflashing your Rock64/Print Farm Hub or Raspberry Pi 4 instead of updating manually.

Update ALL Hubs

Please note that failing to update all hubs on your network can cause a number of issues to appear in your software. Make sure you apply the update to all hubs on your network!

1. Download Updater

AF3.11.0 Updater for Raspberry Pi or AF3.11.0 Updater for Wireless Hub/Rock64

2. Upload to AutoFarm3D

  1. Navigate to your AutoFarm3D Dashboard > Settings > Update Center
  2. Under Update Package upload the zip file for the device you are upgrading
    • for RaspberryPi
    • for the Rock64
  3. Upload the .zip file directly. Don't extract or unzip the file.

3. Run Update

  1. Click Run Update. The hub will apply the update and restart.
  2. When the UI comes back online, confirm that you are on version 3.11.0. 3.11.0 Confirmed.
Make sure to update ALL hubs in your network, if you have worker hubs, you can find them under Network Settings

Worker Hubs Image.

If you need any help or run into any issues, please contact us at [email protected].