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QuinlyTunnel Overview

Have you ever needed to...

  • Start a print when you're away from your farm?
  • Check on your prints when you're not there?
  • Control 3D printers that are distributed across multiple different locations?

We've got you covered with Quinly Tunnel - a fast and secure way to manage your 3D printers no matter where you are.

What is Quinly Tunnel?

Quinly Tunnel creates a secure connection between you and your 3D print farm. You can simply navigate to a custom URL, and then you'll be able to access all your printers, from a single tab, anywhere in the world!

Quinly Tunnel

What is a Tunnel?

  • In a sentence, a tunnel is a secure connection between you and your Raspberry Pi / Print Farm Hub.

  • All information in a tunnel is wrapped in encryption and directed in a way that is inaccessible to the wider Internet.

  • When you access your printer locally, each page you load is served directly by the Pi / Hub. Quinly Tunnel allows you to forward these pages to a secure site only you have credentials for. If you have the login, you can access your dashboard from any device with an internet connection.

Using Quinly Tunnel

Once you've logged in, you can use everything just like you normally would. You can upload gcode files, view multiple webcams, start prints, stop prints, and even download timelapses.