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QuinlyVision Overview

QuinlyVision is a machine learning algorithm that we trained to look for 3D printing defects and failures.


When an issue is detected, you'll get an email alert so you can check and stop the print.

QuinlyVision requires no plugins or additional installation and runs 24/7, and is a free service. You can use QuinlyVision 24/7, 365 days of the year, for all of your 3D printers, at no extra cost!

Failure Types Detected

Currently, 5 failure types are detected:

  1. Spaghetti
  2. Underextrusion
  3. Warping
  4. Stringing
  5. Failed first layer

More failure types will be added as they improve.


QuinlyVision detects and responds to failed prints, but it is not a replacement for a fire-safety system. Be smart. Take appropriate precautions, and don't leave 3D printers unattended.

The Future of QuinlyVision

Coming soon:

  • More informative error notification emails
  • Better ways to provide feedback for missed fails & false positives
  • Automatic pause when failure is detected with high confidence
  • Toggle for notifications & auto-pause for each failure type
  • Machine-learning model accuracy improvements
  • UI improvements

Coming Later:

  • All 14 failure types
  • Custom responses depending on failure type (adjust temps, speed, acceleration, etc.)
  • Option to automatically clear bed and retry print, or move on to next item in queue.
  • Automatically suggest and make changes to gcode to avoid reslicing.

False Positives

Machine learning algorithms cannot be 100% accurate or reliable. You might occasionally get an alert when your print is fine. This is called a 'false-positive' and it means QuinlyVision thought your print has failed when it hasn't.

If your 3D printer looks like this, then you can't really blame QuinlyVision for getting it wrong...

False positive example

There are ways to reduce the risk of a false positive. Set QuinlyVision up for success by following the recommendations in the Webcam Setup Guide