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Jobs Overview

The jobs page gives you an overview of all jobs on your farm that are in progress, ready to collect, or are waiting to print.

1. Queue

When you send a job to the queue, this is where it will go until a printer is available to accept it.


1.1 Drag & Drop Reorder

To change the order that jobs will be sent to the queue, simply drag and drop the job to the desired queue position.

Drag and Drop Queue Reorder

1.2 Blocked Jobs

If the background of the job is red, that means it is blocked. Jobs are usually blocked due to no printers having matching tags.

Blocked Jobs in Queue

Blocked jobs can also be viewed in the Blocked tab.

Blocked Jobs

To hide blocked jobs in the queue, simply click Hide Blocked Job.

Hide Blocked Jobs

2. In Production

Here you can view details and progress of all jobs that are currently printing.

In Production Jobs

3. Collect

Jobs in collect are done printing and are ready to be picked up from the printer. This view shows you where to pick prints up from, allows you to track how many prints in a job you've collected, and tells you how many more prints there are left to pick up.

Ready to Collect Jobs

4. Gantt View

View real-time job timing with the gantt view!

Gantt View

To access the gantt view, simply click the toggle at the top of the page

Gantt Toggle